We are here to support, promote and develop voluntary and community action in Middlesbrough


Tackling Cancer Together - Straightforward

This case study describes how Straightforward spread key messages about cancer to vulnerable women and men from BME communities, refugees, people seeking asylum and mainstream communities in Tees Valley. The group primarily raises awareness of the causes and effects of female genital mutilation (FGM), within these communities, the group also provides a range of support services to people who have experienced FGM.

Over 2014/15 MVDA ran a project to increase awareness and early detection of cancer among Middlesbrough communities likely not to have been reached by public health information. Grass roots community groups were targeted and asked to propose small-scale initiatives to spread key messages about cancer.

Tackling Cancer Together - Romanian Assembly

This case study describes how the Romanian Assembly spread key messages about cancer to people from Romania and Roma communities living in Tees Valley.

Over 2014/15 MVDA ran a project to increase awareness and early detection of cancer among Middlesbrough communities likely not to have been reached by public health information. Grass roots community groups were targeted and asked to propose small-scale initiatives to spread key messages about cancer.

Tackling Cancer Together - North East Women in Action

This case study describes how North East Women in Action spread key messages about cancer to refugees, people seeking asylum and other people from BME communities. In many African and Asian countries in particular, there is a lack of awareness and understanding about cancer and not a tradition of seeking professional medical advice and intervention for health problems.

Over 2014/15 MVDA ran a project to increase awareness and early detection of cancer among Middlesbrough communities likely not to have been reached by public health information. Grass roots community groups were targeted and asked to propose small-scale initiatives to spreadkey messages about cancer.

Tackling Cancer Together - Investing in People and Culture

This case study describes how Investing in People and Culture (IPC) spread key messages about cancer to new and emerging communities include migrant workers, international students, refugees and people seeking asylum. Many of these communities have no experience or awareness of cancer: some do not believe it exists at all and others hold deep seated ideas or believe myths about the causes of cancer and how to prevent it, based on a lack of factual information and awareness.

Over 2014/15 MVDA ran a project to increase awareness and early detection of cancer among Middlesbrough communities likely not to have been reached by public health information. Grass roots community groups were targeted and asked to propose small-scale initiatives to spread key messages about cancer.

Tackling Cancer Together - Branches case study

This case study describes how Branches community group spread key messages about cancer to Tees Valley families and carers who are affected directly and indirectly by substance misuse, with the aim of improving their condition of life and overall wellbeing.

Over 2014/15 MVDA ran a project to increase awareness and early detection of cancer among Middlesbrough communities likely not to have been reached by public health information. Grass roots community groups were targeted and asked to propose small-scale initiatives to spread key messages about cancer, including the link between healthy living and reducing the risk of developing cancer.


An introduction to Middlesbrough Volunteer Services

This leaflet gives an introduction to Middlesbrough Volunteer Services.

Volunteer pathway

A guide to good practice in volunteer engagement.

Volunteering impact

This guide helps you analyse the difference your volunteers make to your organisation, service users, wider community and volunteers themselves.

Every volunteer matters

Some tips on just some of the ways in which a volunteer involving organisation can demonstrate the importance of volunteers to the organisation.

A good practice guide for Volunteering-involving Organisations

This guide is designed to give an overview of good practice for involving volunteers in your organisation.