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Lived experience stories wanted for South Tees book

South Tees Changing Futures Programme is collecting your stories of recovery, hope, and strength for a CELEBRATION BOOK.

Tell your journey to inspire others, help challenge stigma, and say a big thank you to the services involved in Changing Futures.
They would love to receive written pieces, including poems, and help is available if needed.

All pieces will be accepted and all participants will get a copy of the book. This may include writing about your struggles and overcoming adversity.

It could be about how you accessed help. It may be your hopes and dreams for the future, or advice you would give someone who was struggling. You may want to write about positive people in your life and what you love about your community and your life. Don't worry about spelling and grammar.

It's your chance to be part of history forever and get your voice heard!

Pieces can be dedicated to someone and you don't have to put your name on if you don't wish to.

Please get in touch by emailing info@writeonthetyne.com to take part.

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